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The Grass Roofs of Norway

Norwegians have their own way of going green, and quite literally. For hundreds of years houses in Norway have been covered with turf. And they come in different varieties. Some are bright green and almost velvety. Others are golden and look like they’re growing wheat or oats. A number of turf roofs have flowers mixed […]

Artist Spends One Year Alone...

Spencer Byles is an extraordinary sculptural artist with just as much drive as talent. In a true act of devotion for his occupation, Byles spent every day for over a year alone in the unmanaged forests of La Colle Sur Loup, located in southeastern France. Here, he created surreal sculptures using only organic materials found in the immediate […]

Hunting the Aurora Borealis ...

”Through a fair night, a lot of luminous phenomena appear, during the day, the sun obstructs them but at night  except the purple phenomenon, the rest are not characterised by uniformity” (Aristotle, Meteorologica) As described by Aristotle, the Greek Philosopher and one of the first scientific observers of this phenomenon, the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis is one of […]

Self watering planters

One of the things I am researching at the moment is growing things without the need to be around to water them if it is dry, something that seems like a far of dream of late. Things that can be sown directly in their final growing position aren’t really a problem with a little bit of […]

Olea europea (photos)

The olive, known by the botanical name Olea europaea, meaning “European olive”, is a species of small tree in the family Oleaceae, found in the Mediterranean Basin from Portugal to the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, and southern Asia as far east as China, as well as the Canary Islands, Mauritius and Réunion. The species is […]

How to Build a Low Impact Ro...

Simon Dale and Jasmine Saville are concerned about the affects of fossil fuel use on the environment. To minimize their own environmental impact, they designed their own low-impact home in Wales. Simon and his father-in-law built it with the help of friends. In Simon’s words: The house was built with maximum regard for the environment […]
